Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sip this.. nay.., chug this..

I was sitting in this off-the-charts shady pub last night, with some compadrés and an insane chug-fest being the order of the house, and i thought to myself, what better to write about, than the awesomeness of ale!

Aye', 'tis Beer i speak of. All who have experienced the WHOOP-DE-DOO-WAAAHAAAHA of a chilled pint slippin n sliding down the thorax, will agree with me when I proclaim that it probably is the second most awesome creation of man after the good'ol WHEEL.

All those who haven't felt it.. you just officially declared to yourself that you've wasted away your existence. But there is still time! Go get yourself some WHOOP-DE-DOO-WAAHAAAHA!!! Beer is one of those things you have to acquire a taste for, kinda like Frog legs or Crab meat or Blue Fungal Cheese that is left to mature in a Yak's intestine in the darkest corners of Tibet (*slurp*, seriously :D).

Blue Cheese. Hehe. Yummmy. NAWT. :D

Sure, there are enough people in this world who feel like marrying the drink after their very first swig (speaking from experience), but if you didn't feel that way the first time your friend tried to get you high, all you need to do is go out there a couple times more, get thirsty, and take another headlong dive into that bottle'o Bud.

Apparently, This beverage is reeeheeeheee-ally old. I mean so old that some dude in Mesopotamia somewhere around 3500 B.C. made this stuff before he came up with the concept of GOD! In fact I'm pretty sure that the two are related. I'm pretty sure that the neanderthal Iranian jocks worshipped the guy who came up with this 'gift from the heavens'.

Some dude wrote the recipe for beer on this tablet 5500 years ago, Now we worship him.

The Germans are arguably the most skilled Beer brewers in the world, and suddenly you realize that they're one kickass bunch of people. History has pretty much proved that, right from the times of my favorite Impaler, dear Vlad. If one ever gets to go anywhere in and/or around Deutschland, it would be criminally WRONG to NOT get yourself a pint of 'Weissbier of Munich', or 'Münchener Wießbier', as it was known to them Kaiser descendants.

Franziskäner Weißbier. Bliss. 

One of the amazing side-effects of Beer is the hippity happity hap-hap-happy high. Unlike other alcohols that make you feel like you just just burnt an entire litter of puppies, Beer highs feel like you just blew a Vuvuzela in Barack Obama's conference, IN HIS FACE, and then flew back to the BATCAVE. :D

Also, Beer is so outright badass, its been considered to have medicinal properties. So that's an excuse for all you health freaks to go get some for yourself. Plus if you do not like ONE kind of Beer, don't despair. There is a gazillion types of Beer available, and be rest assured, somewhere out there, is that special one for you. :D

Damn I'm thirsty..  WHOOP-DE-DOO-WAAHAAAHA. Ciaô.


  1. I totally get the "if you don't like one brand, try another" bit -- happened with me! Except, I don't know WHICH brand I like/dislike -- I only know the taste :-/

    And YES, beer is something you need to cultivate a taste for. But once you DO that...*bliss*

  2. u seem to have gone into raptures over a beer.!??
    here's a thin line between enjoyment n addiction. like between heaven n hell... so long as its ur evil twin....!!
